Official Website administered by the State Treasurer and Receiver General of Massachusetts
Deborah B. Goldberg
June 25, 2018
PEW // Martha T, Moore
All Articles
Harvard Business Review // Benjamin Artz, Amanda Gooddall, and Andrew J. Oswald
June 20, 2018
Sky News // Ian King
June 14, 2018
June 12, 2018
The National Law Review // Terence P. McCourt, Amanda L. Reynolds
June 10, 2018
Medium // Senator Heidi Heitkamp
June 5, 2018
Newsone // Nigel Roberts
Pay raises are an important consideration when talking about economic equality across both race and gender, and a recent study shows that people of color are significantly less likely to receive a raise after asking for one than white employees, with women of color facing an even larger barrier in wage negotiation.
June 3, 2018
Fool // Maurie Backman
An often-overlooked result of the wage gap is its impact on retirement savings. Although women tend to live longer than men, new research is showing they tend to be less prepared for retirement, with women's retirement savings averaging only half those of men.
May 29, 2018
Vox // Alexia Fernandez Campbell