Official Website administered by the State Treasurer and Receiver General of Massachusetts
Deborah B. Goldberg
January 16, 2018
Fortune // Tom Huddleston Jr.
A five-episode series from PBS, #MeToo, Now What?, is set to air on February 2nd, exploring the recent movement against sexual harassment from a variety of viewpoints, while addressing other, closely related issues, such as wage inequality.
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CNN Money // Laura Sanicola
Citigroup has recently reported that they have around a one percent gender and racial wage gap, though the company is still working to eliminate it completely in the coming year. While this is a step in the right direction, there is still major work to be done across top companies, including Citigroup.
NJTV News // Michael Aron
The Governor of New Jersey signed an executive order that would work to end pay discrimination for women only hours after he was sworn into office.
December 14, 2017
FiveThirtyEight // Clare Malone